

Tuesday 31 May 2011


Increased risk of breast cancer for women who eat meat 4x a week vs less than once a week or not at all!

Increased risk of breast cancer for women who eat eggs, butter and cheese daily vs less than once a week or not at all!

Increased risk of fatal ovarian cancer for women who eat eggs 3 or more times a week vs less than once a week or not at all!

increased risk of prostate cancer for men who consume meat, cheese, eggs, milk daily vs. sparingly or not at all!

Take responsibility of your health

Thursday 26 May 2011


Energy is the essence of our being and the food we eat is one of the elements that creates this energy. If their are deficiencies it can create blocks and deprive us of optimal health. Every thought, emotion and action is radiating energy from your personal energy field. This is why we are all connected on an inner level and our environment. Our energy will always seek health. We are responsible of our health and in any creation of illness. Disease is an opportunity to learn about oneself, grow and then move forward. This has to do with facing our fears and the biggest fear of all which is change. Any change requires the release of negativity. Open up to truth, face your fears and love one self.

Take Action.

Love + Light,

Friday 20 May 2011


Buckwheat has the bioflavinoid rutin, which helps strengthen circulation. A good food to have in your diet if you suffer from varicose veins.

Buckwheat is a non-wheat grain. It is known as kasha when roasted and a great breakfast food. Buckwheat  is also commonly found in pancake recipes:)

Buckwheat contains a good amount of fiber, b-vitamins and is high in potassium and is acceptable during a Candida diet.

How to cook: Rinse. 1 cup of buckwheat to 2 cups of water, bring to a boil and simmer for about 20 min. Enjoy fried up with onions and garlic as a side dish with vegetables or add to salads. For breakfast I like to have it with almond milk, cinnamon and a teaspoon of maple syrup :)

peace + love,

Wednesday 18 May 2011


Amaranth is gluten-free and highly nutritious. Amaranth contains more protein than any other gluten-free grain. It is also a good source of dietary fiber, iron and magnesium.

1 cup = 28.1 grams of protein.

You can toast amaranth and add to cereal for that extra crunch or add it to a muffin reciepe. You can cook amaranth 1:3 with water, bring to a boil and simmer for about 20 min. add some maple syrup, cinammon, walnuts or molasses with pear slices and eat for breakfast. Boil Amaranth with stock and ginger root and eat with a a rainbow of vegetables or add to salads.

Amaranth is very strengthening to the lungs, a good detox food. Also, amaranth has more calcium and magnesium than cow's milk! boo to moo!

Variety = Abunance of Nutrients

love, love

Tuesday 17 May 2011

Sesame Seeds

Sesame seeds are abundant in minerals. Sesame seeds are an excellent source of calcium. They are also high in zinc, copper, magnessium, phosphorus and potassium. Additionally, sesame seeds are a source of iron and tryptophan. Tryptophan is an amino acid and is the key ingredient in making serotonin, which is good for memory and regulating mood.

Add Sesame seeds to salads, bean dishes, whole grain pasta dishes or shakes. Sesame seeds need to be chewed well or grinded into a powder form in order to digest and assimilate effectively.

love + light,

Monday 16 May 2011


Peppermint is an excellent digestive aid. It reduces bloating, stops the formation of gases in the digestive tract. It also suppresses menstration. Peppermint is also a mild sedative and is useful in easeing anxiety and tension. It can be used for travel sickness as well.

peace + love

Friday 6 May 2011

Messages from our Angels on the Food we eat

1. Eat Rainbows everyday
2. Eat Organically and Locally
3. Nourish our bodies with food to heal ourselves
4. Be gentle with yourself
5.No when to eat, when to stop, how to eat and what your choices are.
6. Eat raw, food with enzymes
7. Love your food, bless it and have gratitude


Thursday 5 May 2011

Spring is the time to cleanse the old and bring in the new. Allow major changes to take place, constructive ones. Creative thinking should be stimulated and spirituality heightened. Time to get rid of toxins accumulated over the winter of undigested food, pollution and emotional stress. Cleansing and healing of the heart and body will be nourished.
A perfect time to start an eating regime, balancing the body, increasing chakra vibrations, improving skin, self- esteem, hormone balancing and correcting deficiencies. A time to rebuild the body. A time to connect with the angelic realm, clear any blocks and build an awareness of self.
1 Hr Nutrition/Healing consultations with Jennifer Hruby + Julie Turner
30 min Nutrition $75                                    
30 min Healing $75

Wednesday 4 May 2011

Recipe Analysis

Now offering Recipe anaysis! Ingredient substitutions tips, nutritional value and alternative cooking suggestions. $10 per recipe.
Love + Light,

Tuesday 3 May 2011


Diet improvement is a major weapon for healing the body, disease prevention and treatment. With the epidemic rate of obesity, type 2 diabetes, heart disease and cancer
this is more than motivation to seek advice.

It's up to the nutritionist to educate, motivate and empower the client to assume more responsibility for his or her own wellness. By employing a healthy attitude,wholesome habits, and flourishing a lifestyle with positive diet transformations. Working together to manifest health, and build your body for optimum healing.

Holistic Nutrition consultations also focus on body, mind and spirit. All areas of your life need to be balanced for a healthy lifestyle. This includes, meditation, yoga, excercising and chakra health.

It's time to rebuild your body. Your opportunity to learn, to listen to the expression of your bodies symptoms. Exploring specific areas that are in need for rebalancing by rooting out nutritional causes of the problem or deficiencies. No one answer's fit everyone's needs. It is only by assessing each body system of every client individually. Nourish your body with nutrition and beccome aware of your health and body.

Love and Light,

Sunday 1 May 2011

Spring Cleansing

What Seasonal foods does your body require for optimal Health and Energy? What cleanse is fitting for your unique self? What body system needs your attention? What are you currently deficient in?

A Time for New Beginings and New Healthy Habits.