

Thursday 8 December 2011


Nutrition and Eating during the holidays
Winter Seasonal Eating
Suggested Supplements
and  Delicious Recipes!!

Other coming up workshops and seminars:

Eating for a Healty Heart
Healthy Eating in the Workplace
Eating Intuitively
Nutrition and our Busy Lives
Weight Loss

Wednesday 2 November 2011

Super Spirulina

Spirulina is a microalgae and contains 60-70% complete protein, while meat only contains 25%. Spirulina is a vegetarians best friend along with anyone who needs to balance their blood sugar level. Spirulina helps fight off cravings and aid in weight loss because it's high nutritional value. Spirulina also heals and cleanses and is the best wake up call! put the coffee aside and add a teaspoon of Spirulina to a glass of orange juice instead :)

"The doctor of the future will give no medicines, but will interest his patients in the care of the human frame, in diet, and in the causes of disease."
-Thomas Edison


Thursday 13 October 2011


The Immunity workshop is on! Find out how to keep your immunity strong this season and how to prevent illness and disease through diet and supplements. The importance of a healthy immunity is crucial for a happy existence.

Here are a few helpful hints to boost your immunity:

Ginger root
Pau D' Arco
Reishi and shitake mushrooms
Licorice Root
Olive Leaf
Sprouted Broccoli Seeds

Love + Light

Monday 15 August 2011

Oh Parsley...

 Parsley is nutrient powerhouse! A good food source of Vitamin b12 (perfect food for Vegans) and a great source of Vitamin C ( more than most citrus fruit). Enjoy it on salads, pasta dishes and great in Hummus! Yum!

Thursday 11 August 2011

Morning Summer Smoothie!!!

1 cup of bluberries
1 Banana
5 brazil nuts
a handful of sunflower seeds
1-2 tablespoons of hempseeds
teaspoon of wheatgrass powder
scoop of protein powder
1 cup of water
1 tablespoon of maca (optional)

Feelin' good!

Wednesday 27 July 2011


Green Superfoods are packed full of vitamins and minerals that protect and heal your body against illness and disease. They are fat-burning, energy enhancing and are concentrated with easily digestible nutrients.They strengthen your organs and feed your cells. Powerhouse foods that will keep you slim because they virtually have no calories, no bad fats and are nutrient dense.

Try one of these today for super healing and a super sexy body!

Alfalfa greens
Green barley grass
or Wild blue-green algae

Monday 4 July 2011


Happy July! I hope everyone had a wonderful Canada day celebration:)

Thanks to those who took the Chocolate workshop during the special. This months special is the Fiber workshop.

Learn the benefits of fiber
The difference between soluble and insoluble fiber
How it promotes regular bowel movement
Weight loss
What a healthy bowel movement should look like
What are the best fiber supplements or dietary action
and of course how much fiber should you have in your diet.

The fiber workshop can be taken over the phone and normally cost $60 for the hour. For the month of July I am offering the workshop for $45. Workshops include recipes and notes.

peace. love and light

Monday 6 June 2011


~Online or over the phone worshop~

Learn the magical properties of chocolate and how to eat it.
Learns it's health benefits and what you didn't know.
Learn the importance of it's history
Learn how it protects our cells and it's nutrients
Learn how it helps with stress
Recipes are included

Register before June 30th and recieve workshop for $20 and save $10

Thursday 2 June 2011


Summer is the time to flourish, an opportunity of growth. With all the fresh raw fruits and vegetables that are available to us, it is up to us to honour our bodies with nutrients that are provided by mother nature.  Help your lymph glands remove toxins that have been agglomerated over time by drinking lots of water. Accumulate new energy around you, consolidate with the people you love and start new life-affirming experiences. Summer is a season to challenge yourself to developing a firm eating regime specifically for your body’s unique design. Discover what your body has been trying to communicate.  Garnish your food with enchanted herbs and eat fresh fruits and vegetables that will deliver spirituality and integrate your body with your psyche. Summer is a season to eat juicy foods, to acknowledge your advancements and target your life purpose.  Motion your focus to how bountiful this time of year is for the variety of food grown.  Take this opportunity to unblock any barriers in the body with high vibrational food, allowing the energy to flow freely.  To become conscious of mental and emotional blocks we have experienced and unhealthy patterns we have overcome.  This is the perfect time of year to befriend your local farmers, educate yourself and become involved in your health and community. Eating fresh vibrational foods helps to build your confidence and knowledge of your true self. In order to reach this avenue you must become aware of signs and patterns. Remember to eat mindfully and pay attention to how you feel when you eat your food. Drink lots of water, get plenty of exercise, eat only when hungry and chew your food well to absorb all the nutrients available in your food for energy.
Summer foods include:
Fruit: watermelon, apricots, blueberries, blackberries, cherries, grapes, lemons, limes, mangoes, melon, oranges, peaches, pears, plums, raspberries, papaya, cantaloupes.
Vegetables: Asparagus, corn, tomatoes, artichoke, beets, cabbage, peppers, celery, chives, cucumber, eggplant, green beans, green peas, parsley, radish zucchini, rhubarb, spinach, sugar peas
Make sure to include your sprouted grains and legumes, nuts and seeds for its fiber, protein and essential fatty acids. Juice your fruits and vegetables for better digestion and assimilation of nutrients. Include an assortment of salads with homemade dressings, ask lots of questions and build a support group.  Advance your knowledge and share the wealth! Prepare for the Autumn season and start building up your reserves.

Tuesday 31 May 2011


Increased risk of breast cancer for women who eat meat 4x a week vs less than once a week or not at all!

Increased risk of breast cancer for women who eat eggs, butter and cheese daily vs less than once a week or not at all!

Increased risk of fatal ovarian cancer for women who eat eggs 3 or more times a week vs less than once a week or not at all!

increased risk of prostate cancer for men who consume meat, cheese, eggs, milk daily vs. sparingly or not at all!

Take responsibility of your health

Thursday 26 May 2011


Energy is the essence of our being and the food we eat is one of the elements that creates this energy. If their are deficiencies it can create blocks and deprive us of optimal health. Every thought, emotion and action is radiating energy from your personal energy field. This is why we are all connected on an inner level and our environment. Our energy will always seek health. We are responsible of our health and in any creation of illness. Disease is an opportunity to learn about oneself, grow and then move forward. This has to do with facing our fears and the biggest fear of all which is change. Any change requires the release of negativity. Open up to truth, face your fears and love one self.

Take Action.

Love + Light,

Friday 20 May 2011


Buckwheat has the bioflavinoid rutin, which helps strengthen circulation. A good food to have in your diet if you suffer from varicose veins.

Buckwheat is a non-wheat grain. It is known as kasha when roasted and a great breakfast food. Buckwheat  is also commonly found in pancake recipes:)

Buckwheat contains a good amount of fiber, b-vitamins and is high in potassium and is acceptable during a Candida diet.

How to cook: Rinse. 1 cup of buckwheat to 2 cups of water, bring to a boil and simmer for about 20 min. Enjoy fried up with onions and garlic as a side dish with vegetables or add to salads. For breakfast I like to have it with almond milk, cinnamon and a teaspoon of maple syrup :)

peace + love,

Wednesday 18 May 2011


Amaranth is gluten-free and highly nutritious. Amaranth contains more protein than any other gluten-free grain. It is also a good source of dietary fiber, iron and magnesium.

1 cup = 28.1 grams of protein.

You can toast amaranth and add to cereal for that extra crunch or add it to a muffin reciepe. You can cook amaranth 1:3 with water, bring to a boil and simmer for about 20 min. add some maple syrup, cinammon, walnuts or molasses with pear slices and eat for breakfast. Boil Amaranth with stock and ginger root and eat with a a rainbow of vegetables or add to salads.

Amaranth is very strengthening to the lungs, a good detox food. Also, amaranth has more calcium and magnesium than cow's milk! boo to moo!

Variety = Abunance of Nutrients

love, love

Tuesday 17 May 2011

Sesame Seeds

Sesame seeds are abundant in minerals. Sesame seeds are an excellent source of calcium. They are also high in zinc, copper, magnessium, phosphorus and potassium. Additionally, sesame seeds are a source of iron and tryptophan. Tryptophan is an amino acid and is the key ingredient in making serotonin, which is good for memory and regulating mood.

Add Sesame seeds to salads, bean dishes, whole grain pasta dishes or shakes. Sesame seeds need to be chewed well or grinded into a powder form in order to digest and assimilate effectively.

love + light,

Monday 16 May 2011


Peppermint is an excellent digestive aid. It reduces bloating, stops the formation of gases in the digestive tract. It also suppresses menstration. Peppermint is also a mild sedative and is useful in easeing anxiety and tension. It can be used for travel sickness as well.

peace + love

Friday 6 May 2011

Messages from our Angels on the Food we eat

1. Eat Rainbows everyday
2. Eat Organically and Locally
3. Nourish our bodies with food to heal ourselves
4. Be gentle with yourself
5.No when to eat, when to stop, how to eat and what your choices are.
6. Eat raw, food with enzymes
7. Love your food, bless it and have gratitude


Thursday 5 May 2011

Spring is the time to cleanse the old and bring in the new. Allow major changes to take place, constructive ones. Creative thinking should be stimulated and spirituality heightened. Time to get rid of toxins accumulated over the winter of undigested food, pollution and emotional stress. Cleansing and healing of the heart and body will be nourished.
A perfect time to start an eating regime, balancing the body, increasing chakra vibrations, improving skin, self- esteem, hormone balancing and correcting deficiencies. A time to rebuild the body. A time to connect with the angelic realm, clear any blocks and build an awareness of self.
1 Hr Nutrition/Healing consultations with Jennifer Hruby + Julie Turner
30 min Nutrition $75                                    
30 min Healing $75

Wednesday 4 May 2011

Recipe Analysis

Now offering Recipe anaysis! Ingredient substitutions tips, nutritional value and alternative cooking suggestions. $10 per recipe.
Love + Light,

Tuesday 3 May 2011


Diet improvement is a major weapon for healing the body, disease prevention and treatment. With the epidemic rate of obesity, type 2 diabetes, heart disease and cancer
this is more than motivation to seek advice.

It's up to the nutritionist to educate, motivate and empower the client to assume more responsibility for his or her own wellness. By employing a healthy attitude,wholesome habits, and flourishing a lifestyle with positive diet transformations. Working together to manifest health, and build your body for optimum healing.

Holistic Nutrition consultations also focus on body, mind and spirit. All areas of your life need to be balanced for a healthy lifestyle. This includes, meditation, yoga, excercising and chakra health.

It's time to rebuild your body. Your opportunity to learn, to listen to the expression of your bodies symptoms. Exploring specific areas that are in need for rebalancing by rooting out nutritional causes of the problem or deficiencies. No one answer's fit everyone's needs. It is only by assessing each body system of every client individually. Nourish your body with nutrition and beccome aware of your health and body.

Love and Light,

Sunday 1 May 2011

Spring Cleansing

What Seasonal foods does your body require for optimal Health and Energy? What cleanse is fitting for your unique self? What body system needs your attention? What are you currently deficient in?

A Time for New Beginings and New Healthy Habits.

Thursday 28 April 2011

Vegan Fun

A couple of Vegan products - Lara bars + food should taste good brand sweet potato chips! YUM!

I experimented making a  vegan cheese sauce for pasta and this is what I came up with:

2 tablespoons of  vegan butter (my choice was earth balance)
1 cup nutritional yeast flakes
1/2 teaspoon mustard (my choice was maison orphee- yellow mutard with tumeric)
1 teaspoon tumeric
3/4 cups of almond milk

I melted the butter and added the rest of the ingredients. you can add more almond milk for the consistency you want. I added this to some pasta and added some raw veggies. yumin my tum:)

Friday 15 April 2011


Eggplant is high inCalcium, magnesium, iron, folic acid and Vitamin A + C. Eggplant contains no fat. If frying be careful as eggplant is like a sponge and will soak up a lot of oil. Good idea to bake eggplant.


2 or 3 cups eggplants peeled and chopped
1/2 cup of parsley
2tbsp of tahini
pinch cumin
pinch cayenne (optional)
2 garlic cloves
sea salt

Blend all ingredients and enjoy with veggie sticks or pita bread:)

Thursday 14 April 2011


Nutritional yeast is a nutritional supplement high in B vitamins. A good food source of B12 for Vegans. A healthy alternative seasoning with no cholesterol or sodium. It is well know to be used on popcorn. I add it to all kinds of dishes like pasta, veggies add dips. It is an inactive yeast so It doesn't grown in your intestines and rob you of beneficial nutrients like actives yeasts  that are found in beer and wine. Bragg carries nutritional yeast seasoning that comes in a shaker.

Saute some garlic in olive oil
add asparagus
nutritional yeast (desired amount)
sea salt
optional crushed pepper flakes
optional  Seaweed Gomasio


Tuesday 12 April 2011

Jennifer Hruby, who has her Holistic Nutritionist R.H.N. diploma from the Canadian School of Natural Nutrition is also the co-auther of "Easy Fit". Her valuable input provides knowledge on a healthy lifestyle through a well-balanced, nutritional regime that is unique to each individual.

Her past experience as a Natural Living Assistant has provided her with additional insight on suplementation. From experience and learnings, she has identified specific food types, nutrition and eating guidelines, the importance on digestion and simple recipes to kick start your healthy nutrition plan and routine.

Currently, providing her knowledge in workshops, consultations and cooking classes. Jennifer is able to provide guidance to what works best for you andyour lifestyle. Also, working on a second book writing about her experience's eating vegetarian, vegan and cleansing diets.

The recent development of Rainbow Bites Production will help individuals eat intuitively and for specific body systems that need attention. Through consultations we can learn what our body needs and determine any deficiencies.

For more information please e-mail

Love & Light